[Video] 7 Ways To Improve Gut Health


The balance and cohesion of the bowel flora in your gut is undoubtedly critical to your body performing optimally. Your body’s ability to properly digest, absorb and utilise the food (proper food) you eat will greatly affect your health one way or the other. Here we share 7 ways to improve gut health and return the balance back in your favour.

A healthy gut with a healthy microbiome (that is bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) has the ability to improve many functions. Some include; improved immune function, an increase in the nutrients available, your ability to digest foods properly and to enhance cell-to-cell communication.

There are however many damaging contributing factors that can cause imbalances to our gut flora and therefore our performance. Here is a list of some of the contributing factors:

• Antibiotics and medications
• Stress
• Nutritional deficiencies
• Substance abuse – alcohol and drugs
• Using anti-microbial soaps, hand washes and body lotions
• Chemicals in our water

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So the question you’re probably asking is what is the best way to restore the balance in my gut health?

I’m glad you asked. In today’s episode of Revive TV you will learn:

• Another 6 contributing factors that are most probably effecting your gut health.
• 7 easy ways to improve your gut health starting today.
• Why Vitamin D is essential to improve gut flora and the best tip to absorb more.
• What probiotics are and which foods have the best sources
• Which supplement you must consider to improve gut health.

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Struggling with a current health challenge or looking to maximise your life, we have got you covered!

Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.

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[Video] 12 reasons to improve gut health


Gut health is a term increasingly used in the health and wellness space and by the food industry. With so much focus on this we decided the share 12 reasons to improve gut health.

Gut health covers more than one aspect of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, such as
• the effective digestion and absorption of food,
• the absence of GI illness,
• normal and stable intestinal microbiota,
• effective immune status and a state of well-being.

Scientifically, however, it is still extremely unclear exactly what gut health is, how it can be defined and how it can be measured.

It appears however that the GI barrier adjacent to the GI microbiota is key to understanding the complex machinations that maintain gut health. The microbiota includes bacteria, viruses, fungi etc.

Any impairment of the GI barrier can increase the risk of developing infectious, inflammatory and functional GI diseases. Impairment can also contribute to extraintestinal diseases such as immune-mediated and metabolic disorders.

What has caused a perceived increase in gut–related health issues?

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Today on Revive TV you will learn:

  • The major ‘contributor’ to all gut-related health issues.
  • What change from the second world war has increased so dramatically that it is effecting our health.
  • Why our gut health can effect our brain/mental health.
  • Plus the 12 reasons to improve gut health.

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Struggling with a current health challenge or looking to maximise your life, we have got you covered!

Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.

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[Video] Meditation Made Easy


Do you ever struggle with your meditation practice, lose focus, find your mind wandering? Have you tried meditation in the past, but felt unsuccessful, uncomfortable or just not sure why you are doing it? If so, welcome to the world of meditation for rookies (and let’s be honest for some veterans as well). Fear not though, as today we will walk you through meditation made easy.

I struggled for years to implement consistent meditation into my ‘well-being’ routine. Part of me wasn’t really sure why I should do it, part of me would say I just don’t have time just to sit around doing nothing. What not even 10 minutes, crazy right?

One thing I know for sure after years of meditation practice and working with our practice members at Revive Chiropractic is that no-one initially finds meditation easy. I had an unrealistic expectation of what ‘should’happen when I meditate and if that didn’t happen I just wasn’t good at.

However, how much time and how much practice have you spent on other things you have mastered in your life? When you first learn to read or write, did you do it perfectly? When you first drove a car did you feel in total control and at ease? Clearly the answer is no. So why would any new challenge or habit, like meditation be any different? It’s not.

Meditation is a practice of inner self-awareness and self observation.

Meditation takes us out of our past where guilt and regret can strangle us, and out of the future where fear and resignation can weigh us down like a ball and chain.

Today on Revive TV you will also learn:

  • Why meditation is beneficial to both your physical and mental weigh being
  • Why chronic pain sufferers must make meditation part of their rehabilitation
  • What chronic stress really does to the body and how to beat it.
  • The 7 step guide to mediation made easy.
  • Why guided meditation might be the answer for you – click here for examples of free guided meditations.

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Struggling with a current health challenge or looking to maximise your life, we have got you covered!

Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.

[Video] – Having a Purpose is Good for Brain and Body

having a purpose is good for brain and body


Innately we feel better about ourselves when serving others or contributing to a worthy cause. We call this having a purpose or being on purpose. Our self-esteem, our self-image rises and research shows that having a purpose is good for brain and body.

The great Indian activist and leader Mahatma Gandhi once said – “The best way to find yourself is in the service of others.” Being self-aware and having a purpose has also shown to improve the quality of life and longevity.

So how important then is it to discover your purpose? It’s very important, if you want the greatest quality of life.

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A study conducted and published in The Lancet measured different states of well-being. Eudemonic well-being, which is the kind that comes from having purpose and meaning in life (vs. hedonic, which comes more from fun experiences) was one focus

In the study participants rated their sense of autonomy, control, purpose in life and self-realization.

Participants were divided into 4 groups based on scores and correlations with mortality were gathered over 8 and 1/2 years.

Interestingly, 29% of people in lowest group died, while only 9.3% in highest group. The study suggests the risk of death is decreased by 58% and when other risk factors were calculated that number lowered to 30%, statistically significant.

Today on Revive TV you will also learn:

  • What Northwestern University found ‘having a purpose’ to improve (hint: most of us do it 8 hours per day)
  • What purpose improves in all people regardless of age – incredible!!
  • That Eudemonic well-being (from having purpose and meaning) vs Hedonic well-being (from fun experiences) improves genetic expression greatly.
  • About the study conducted showing the benefit teenagers receive from having purpose and goals.

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Struggling with a current health challenge or looking to maximise your life, we have got you covered!

Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.

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[Video] – How To Build Self-Esteem (Part 2)

how to build self esteem


While I was studying everything I could on how to build self-esteem it became clear that ‘having a purpose’ was not only important but also a requirement to optimal mental health.

If you were anything like me and struggled for many years trying to find meaning in life, that elusive purpose, you’ll know what I mean. You think you’re the only person finding it hard, almost impossible to achieve.

Maybe you’re still there. Relax we have got you covered.

The greatest benefit of purpose is it gives you direction, a place or places to head. It brings you back on track when you start to stray and get distracted. Purpose brings order and cohesion into our sometimes chaotic lives.

However purpose is not our discussion today, but what it represents is our discussion – better self-esteem.

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As human-beings we separate ourselves from other animals by our ability to consciously live and make decisions.
This ability to think has great benefits, but like anything with benefits there are some potential draw backs.

We can choose to think positively, hopefully or abundantly about our lives. Conversely we can choose to think negatively, despairingly or with scarcity.

In which of these states do you believe someone with a healthy self-esteem lives mainly? It’s obvious, right? In a state of positivity, hopefulness and abundance. When we choose these states we see the

Purpose is a key requirement to a healthy self-esteem.

Self-esteem is determined by what that ‘little’ voice inside your head is saying to you.

Master the little voice, you’ll master your life – know your purpose!

On today’s episode of Revive TV you will learn:

• Why knowledge is important, but practice is a requirement.
• The difference between being pushy and self-assertive and how it wins you respect.
• Your personal integrity is more important to you than how much integrity someone thinks you have.
• How to master the little voice inside your head, so it works for you!

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Whether you are struggling with a current health challenge or you are looking to maximise your life we have got you covered!Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.

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[Video] How To Build Self-Esteem (Part 1)

how to build self esteem


Experience tells me that it is more common for people to speak poorly of themselves and diminish their self-esteem than it is to speak highly of themselves and build self-esteem.

The habit is so ingrained, that we are not even sure how or why it started. What we do know is that we have become so good at it that the thoughts are pretty much automatic.

I mean, why wouldn’t you be good at it? After all, you’ve practiced and practiced and practiced and like any skill or habit you train, you’ve perfected it.

When you think of your family, your friends, the people you really love. Do you think poorly of them or highly? Highly, obviously. Have you ever told any of them how great they are? How they make your life better? Of course you have.

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What if that same person was to speak poorly about themselves, would you probably sympathise with them first, then tell them how great they are to you? You would, because you see the wonder in them which they are missing?

Flip that situation; you’re the loved one speaking poorly of yourself, dimishing your self-esteem. Along comes a good friend who tries to build you up, who loves you. Do you feel better? Perhaps momentarily. Does the feeling last? No, it’s like a hot shower it only feels good for as long as the person says it or you’re in their company.

Why is that?

It’s because building our own self-esteem and self-worth is more important and of greater substance to us, than what anyone else can say. Master your mind and you’ll master your life.

We all want to think and say nice things about ourselves but at the same time not feel like we are big noting ourselves. That’s because it is a REQUIREMENT (not a need) of optimal health in all humans.

If you want to be optimally healthy then you must PRACTICE the art of building self-esteem. Practice is the key word.

    On today’s episode of Revive TV you will learn:

  • How to stop going through your life in a blur and how to take ‘conscious’ control of your life.
  • That accepting where your life is right now, is the only way to improve it going forward, period!
  • The power of taking ‘conscious’ responsibility for your actions and how that builds self-integrity.

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Whether you are struggling with a current health challenge or you are looking to maximise your life we have got you covered!Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.

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[Video] Sorry, But Sitting Doesn’t Cause Lower Back Pain


In the last few years negative side affects of ‘sitting for too long’ have been highlighted by many in healthcare world (including this author). We’ve all heard or used the phrases “sitting is the new smoking” or “sitting too long cause lower back pain”. What do you think when you hear these phrases? Clearly smoking is bad for our health, it can kill us prematurely. Is that what sitting does too us as well?

Well, I’m sorry to burst your bubble but sitting too long doesn’t kill you, sitting doesn’t cause lower back pain…… What? but….

We have taken one event (sitting too long) added that too another event (lower back pain) and come up with a probable cause. In this case it’s like saying 1 + 1 = 3. Sitting isn’t bad for you in fact I’m doing it right now as I write this article and you are probably doing it as you read.

SO why the negative rap then?

We have missed the the point (incuding me) of what sitting too long and having a sedentary life represents. Don’t get we wrong a sedentary lifestyle is not healthy, in fact according to the World Health Organization, sedentary lifestyles increase all causes of mortality and raises the risk of health concerns such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and even depression and anxiety.

But let’s get one thing clear:

‘It’s not sitting that is bad for you, It’s never moving that is bad for you.’

In today’s episode of Revive TV you will learn:

      • Which joints and muscles lose mobility through sitting too long and what to do about it.
      • Which muscles stop working properly when sitting too long and how to prevent that.
      • How decreased mobility and deactivation of lower back muscles can cause lower back pain.
      • The best 3 strategies to combat the effects of your sedentary life style.
      • We dive deep into all things lower back pain, sedentary lifestyle and what to do next. you’ll not want to miss this!

        Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Whether you are struggling with a current health challenge or you are looking to maximise your life we have got you covered!Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.


[Video] How Poor Posture Can Cause Lower Back Pain


Paying attention to maintaining good posture will result in you looking and feeling better. However, and perhaps even more importantly, you will most likely function better as well. Today though we look at how poor posture can cause lower back pain.

You will most likely at some point in your life suffer back pain of some description. An estimated 80% of all Australians will experience differing levels of lower back pain. These pains can be caused by sports related trauma, falls or accidents and some are born with, like some forms of scoliosis.

However, the large majority of lower back pain symptoms are caused by repetitive actions. These actions we can encounter in our work, home or active lives. Maybe it’s from sitting on our couch or in front of a computer for too long. Maybe it might be the way we lift or carry something that produces muscle and joint tension.

The good news is there is a simple and effective thing we can address to take care of most of this – good posture.

Good posture is the most effective way to limit your lower back pain

On today’s episode of Revive TV you will learn:

• What good posture is and how it benefits lower back pain and your overall well-being.
• 10 signs that might indicate your posture may be contributing to your low back pain.
• The best strategy for overcoming posture problems once and for all.


Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Whether you are struggling with a current health challenge or you are looking to maximise your life we have got you covered!Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.



[Video] – 3 Things You Must Do To Avoid Lower Back Pain


You’ve been suffering back pain for weeks, months, possibly even years. It comes and goes and usually after a couple of days it settles down, but this time it’s different. It’s just not getting better and it’s stopping you from doing the things you have to do.

More importantly your lower back pain is keeping you from he things you love to do.

You’ve tried stretching and massage which helps at the time, but never really gets to the bottom of it. You’ve taken some painkillers but you know that isn’t the long term solution. What should you do?

Extensive experience tells me some fundamentals must be observed to ensure or lessen the likelihood of low back pain. If you’ve never suffered low back pain, then these same fundamentals will help you avoid it. The checklist below will give you a great place to start.

On today’s episode of Revive TV you will learn:

  • What the most common underlying causes of your back pain are and why knowing this is important to successfully overcoming it.
  • The best types of strength exercises for you to overcome and decease the chances of your back pain returning.
  • How often you should be moving on a daily basis and a strategy to help you remember.
  • Why good posture and spinal mechanics are critical to the long-term care of you low back and what you can do to make these changes.

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Whether you are struggling with a current health challenge or you are looking to maximise your life we have got you covered!Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.


[Video] Top 5 Causes of Your Lower Back Pain


80% of Australians will suffer from low back pain at some stage in their lives? You maybe suffering right now? The chances of you suffering lower back at some point are clearly not in your favour. Today we reveal the top 5 causes of your lower back pain.

This number is staggering, 4 out of every 5 people will suffer this at some point in lives. This could mean time away from work, sporting activities you love to do or just your general daily activities.

Perhaps we should all be looking at this more closely. Perhaps we could all look at prevention rather than rehabilitation after the event. There is no doubt that many low back problems or injuries are unnecessary and avoidable.  Have we as a society become accustomed to having lower back pain? Have we become complacent or worse accepted this as normal?

Fact – Lower back pain effects 80% of all Australians

On today’s episode of Revive TV you will learn:

  • Why understanding the underlying CAUSE of your lower back pain is more critical to a successful outcome, than labeling your condition.
    • Why its important that all lower back and spinal traumas are assessed by a spinal expert. It may just save you in the long run.
  • Why getting moving again is key to recovering from your low back pain in the short term and preventing it from coming back in the long term..


Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Whether you are struggling with a current health challenge or you are looking to maximise your life we have got you covered!Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.