Tired of Not Reaching Your Goals? – The One Habit You Keep Avoiding


It’s that time of year when bloggers, lifestyle journalists, business and lifestyle coaches talk about setting goals for the coming year. If it makes you shudder or leaves you feeling overwhelmed (where do I start???) then I’m with you. I even balked initially at talking about this in my first post of year.

So why have I bothered? Well, firstly I think it’s important to set some intentions/goals. It gives us purpose, clarity and direction of where we want to evolve, grow in our lives. If however, you are completely satisfied and fulfilled with where you are, this may not be important to you.

Are you really satisfied?

The reality; however is that isn’t the case. In actuality you are a little frustrated, overwhelmed that another year on has slipped past you and those intentions/goals where left feeling unfulfilled. You are on the treadmill of life and not sure when it’s going to stop (or how to stop it) so that this year is different. You are tired of not reaching goals?

It’s not even that you didn’t set goals, most people I speak to do in some form or another. There are formal written down clear objectives and others more informal, in our head types.

So while knowing your purpose and setting goals is the first step (and a blog for another day) it’s not in my experience the No. 1 thing holding us back.

So what it is?

Well, in today’s episode of Revive TV we will discover it!

You will also learn:
• The practical step-by-step way to reaching your goals and feeling more fulfilled
• What I personally use to set myself up for success (it’s easy & it’s FREE)
• How doing this will create more time in your week (who doesn’t need that?)
• Why it will make you more productive, more calm and allow you to be more spontaneous.

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Whether you are struggling with a current health challenge or you are looking to maximise your life we have got you covered!Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.


[Video] 4 Ways to Relieve Stress in Under 10 minutes


We all know that ’emotional’stress plays a negative role in our overall health. We also know that we ‘should’ do something about it. However from my personal experience, finding time to deal with with stress, when you’re already stressed can sometimes make you feel more… stressed:( So, what if I could show you 4 Ways to Relieve Stress in Under 10 minutes per day. Would that be useful?

If the above statement about not having ‘time’ to work through your stress resonates, then you’re definitely going to benefit from my tips.

What’s more, when I say 10 minutes, I mean 10 minutes, not 11, not 12, I mean 10!!! Disclaimer – If you wish to do more, there are no known negative side-effects:). In this time frame you will be able to create a circuit break in your mind. You see, we have to ask ourselves what are the thoughts that we are having that is creating our stress?

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Simple – It’s either fear or anxiety about a future situation or regret, guilt or anger about a past experience. That is it. So the solution is simple, the application sometimes challenging!

Solution – Take action that moves your mind out of either past or future thought and centres you into the NOW. You can do this simply as I’ll show you 4 Ways to Relieve Stress in Under 10 minutes per day!

On today’s episode of Revive TV you will learn:

• How green space creates calm and serenity in our system
• Easy methods to practice meditation that will leave you wanting to do it more.
• Which form of exercise is best for de-stressing and how to do it.
• A bonus 5th way to relieve stress, that most us could do with more of:)

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Whether you are struggling with a current health challenge or you are looking to maximise your life we have got you covered!Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.

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[Video] – The 5 Requirements to Optimal Health – Part 2


This is controversial, however in the western world we look at HEALTH from the wrong perspective. What? Rather than ask what do we require to be healthy? We ask how do we avoid getting sick or have ill-health? Worse still, we make false assumptions that if we aren’t sick/injured we are must be in good health.

In last week’s blog we discussed the significant difference between basing health on feeling versus function. Function accounts for over 90% of what your body is doing voluntarily.

So, to be our best we must study the best. You would do this in any field you wanted to excel in, you would learn the requirements for success. For example is you wanted to learn how run a successful business you might study Sir Richard Branson, if you wanted to create great wealth maybe Warren Buffet is your man, be a great tennis player – Roger Federer or Serena Williams, you get my point.

The same goes for enjoying great health, study people who are already doing it successfully and learn the requirements to optimal health.

Furthermore, stop chasing only resolutions for your symptoms. A drug can often be a resolution to a symptom, however, does that mean you are now optimally healthy? No, it just means you don’t have symptom to remind you’re not your best.

On today’s episode of Revive TV you will:
• Learn the 2 most neglected requirements and how you can implement them in your life.
• Understand why studying disease and pathology never leads to optimal health.
• Be empowered to take control of your health and your family’s.
• Recieve the Blueprint to Optimal Health.

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Struggling with a current health challenge or looking to maximise your life, we have got you covered!

Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.

[Video] The 5 Requirements to Optimal Health (Part 1)


I’m often asked by my patients, “What caused my (insert problem)?” or “Why has it (insert problem) just started now?” They want to get to the bottom of the problem and address the thing that caused it.

However finding a single cause can be at times like trying to find a needle in haystack, in fact you will most invariably never find it, why?

As an example, a patient may present with chronic lower back pain that has no specific onset and has slowly got worse. When we explore and dive deeper, we discover that they sit for long periods in a day, furthermore, they have had a significant car accident a year ago and experienced several falls as a kid. Their workplace is creating a lot of mental/emotional stress at the moment and as a result their eating habits have got worse. Their sleep quality is never great and they can never seem to get comfortable on their pillow.

Can all of these factors have an impact on lower back pain? The answer is Yes, some are more obvious and pronounced than the others.

So what do we treat it and where do we start?

I’d like to pose some different questions. What does an optimally healthy human look like and what do they do to maintain their well-being? Or what are the requirements to optimal health?

In today’s episode of Revive TV you will learn:
• The first 3 requirements that all people need to be optimally healthy.
• The difference between feeling great and functioning optimally and why function is much more important.
• The best way to integrate these requirements into your already busy routine.
• How to start taking action today!!!

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Struggling with a current health challenge or looking to maximise your life, we have got you covered!

Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.

[Video] – 5 Signs Your Headaches Are Coming From Your Neck


If you’re a headache suffer, then one of the most common questions you most likely have is “What is causing my headaches”.

Is it stress, is it reaction to foods, is it hormonal, is it my neck?

The answer is usually multi-factorial and as a chiropractor I’ve seen my fair share of headache sufferers. Those patients that I’m most able to help best are those with Cervico-genic headaches.

What are cervicogenic headaches you ask? Put simply they are headaches whose origin begin in the neck.

In practice we are able to determine if your headaches are cervicogenic in origin by simply taking a thorough case history and then if deemed appropriate perform a series of specific and relevant test that allow us to establish a diagnosis. It takes out the guess work.

However what if you can’t get to health a professional who specializes in cervicogenc headaches immediately. Well, there are some common signs and signals that may just help you.

In today’s episode of Revive TV you will:
• Discover the 5 signs your headaches are coming from your neck.
• Learn why proper movement of your cervical spine is critical.
• Find out the number one thing you must do if you suspect cervicogenic headaches.
• Identify the most likely causes of your underlying neck problem.

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Struggling with a current health challenge or looking to maximise your life, we have got you covered!

Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.

[Video] 4 Best Exercises to Overcome Tech Neck


If you’re reading this then I apologise, I’m probably contributing to the fastest growing concern in our practice – Tech Neck.

More and more people are suffering with symptoms associated with Tech Neck. Tech Neck is the constant position of your head and neck in a forward and flexed position. Most commonly, you will be doing this while on your smart devices or laptop. Ever done this?

Left unattended, tech neck can turn into serious chronic pain or permanent osteo-arthritic changes to your spine.

There are significant challenges with addressing tech neck as a chiropractor. Most people who present to us tell us that their neck pain came on slowly. That initially, they could bear it and the medications seemed to help. Recently however, the pain has become constant and won’t go away and our challenge as chiropractors is – That it’s already become a major problem.

The research tells us that in cases of non-specific onset of pain (i.e. no direct trauma), that the underlying damage to the tissues has been progressing for at least 3 months before the brain registers a pain signal. What does that mean for those people who have had their symptoms for at least 3, 6 or even 12 months?

It takes as little as 14-15 days of improper movement in your spine for potential permanent, irreversible osteo-arthritic changes to occur.

Proper posture and spinal mechanics are keys to avoiding the negative effects of tech neck on your spine and overall health.

In today’s episode of Revive TV you will learn:
• 4 steps to overcoming tech neck that will restore your posture.
• Why pain is the last indicator you have a problem with your neck.
• The one thing you must do if you suspect you have Tech Neck.
• Why children are so susceptible to Teck Neck and what you should do.

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Struggling with a current health challenge or looking to maximise your life, we have got you covered!

Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.

[Video] 5 Simple Steps to Avoid Tech Neck


I’d like you to think about the amount of time you spend looking at a screen. In fact you’re doing it right now!

How is your head and neck is positioned? Let me assume your like almost everyone else I know and I’m probably right in saying, it’s forward and flexed? Was I right?

If you have pain associated with this head position you probably have what is referred to as Tech Neck.

Having your neck in this position while on your handheld device or laptop places your neck in a very vulnerable position.

Over long periods of time of maintaining this forward head posture it’s likely to lead to some problems. These can include, musculo-skeletal problems, like muscle strains and disc injuries, to nerve impingement and arthritic changes of the neck. What can go undetected and hence most important in my mind, is the effects it has on your nervous system and ultimately your function.

Remember, the brain (master controller) and nervous system control EVERY bodily function, meaning your brain health is critical to your health.

Originally termed “text neck”, the new term Tech Neck highlights the fact that it’s not just texting anymore. The time we spend looking at screens has the potential for damaging the neck and our health.

On today’s episode of Revive TV you will learn:
• 5 simple steps to prevent tech neck
• Why it’s important to your child’s health to monitor their screen time.
• How Forward Head Posture (FHP) affects your productivity?
• What to do if neck pain occurs while you are on a screen

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Struggling with a current health challenge or looking to maximise your life, we have got you covered!

Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.

[Video] The 2 Causes of ALL Neck Pain


All neck problems stem from the problem. Whether, you have arthritis, a disc bulge or herniation, muscle tension and stiffness, a ligament sprain or strain, a sensory problems like tingling, numbness or temperature change, there are only 2 causes of neck pain.

1) Trauma or;
2) Poor posture

The one outcome that results from both is poor spinal mechanics, that is, the way your neck moves.
These these two causes can also co-exist. Trauma for example, can and usually does lead to altered spinal mechanics, and then as the poor spinal mechanics continue postural changes of the neck follow.

The same is true in reverse, as you develop a poor posture the spinal mechanics change. These changes cause grinding of the vertebral joints (bones of the spine) rather than a nice gliding motion. The grinding then leads to microscopic degenerative change, over time left unresolved this can worsen, the result? Trauma

“90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine”

– 1981 Noble prize winner Dr Roger Sperry.

How profound is that? Think about this for a moment. The Brain controls every function of our body. The Brain’s health is determined by how well the spine moves. Our overall health is then determined in no small part by how healthy our spines are.

So, is it important to resolve underlying, unresolved neck trauma and/or poor posture?
In today’s episode of Revive TV we discuss:

• The 2 causes of neck pain and the one outcome that comes from both
• The importance of having good curves in your cervical spine.
• What you should do first to get this problem resolved.

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Struggling with a current health challenge or looking to maximise your life, we have got you covered!

Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.

[Video] Top 5 Alternatives For Wheat


Wheat gets a bad rap and from my experiences rightly so. Wheat is a non-essential food that has been linked to many health challenges. These effects can be subtle but immediate like feeling bloated, gassy, tired and flat. In addition, it can lead to much more serious illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. So, are there alternatives for wheat.

Last week we discussed why wheat is bad for you. We referenced Dr William Davis, MD and cardiologist who wrote the best seller ‘Wheat belly’. Dr Davis references his personal experience is treating patients by removing wheat from their diets. Then discusses scientifically what happens when we eat wheat.

“Aside from some extra fiber, eating two slices of whole wheat bread is really little different, and often worse, than drinking a can of sugar-sweetened soda or eating a sugary candy bar.”

– Dr William Davis, Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back To Health

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So while removing wheat from our diets might be a good thing it is also hard because so many things contain wheat. Are there alternatives that we can use that we may substitute to broaden our eating experience and remain optimally health?

In today’s episode of Revive TV you will learn:
• The 5 best alternatives to wheat and where to get them.
• How to use them and still make delicious food.
• Why these are good for you to consume.
• Best places to find these alternatives

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Struggling with a current health challenge or looking to maximise your life, we have got you covered!

Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.

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[Video] Is Wheat Bad For You?


I’ve grown up eating foods with wheat in them my whole life. My health is relatively good so why would I need to change my eating habits? So, is wheat is bad for you? In addition who says so, why do they say it and what should I do?

Dr William Davis, MD, that’s who!

Dr Davis is a practicing cardiologist who takes a preventive approach to treating heart disease. He is also the author of the book ‘Wheat Belly’. Dr Davis explains why you should avoid wheat and why it has become a mainstay in western diets and what the alternatives are.

“…wheat products elevate blood sugar levels more than virtually any other carbohydrate…” – Dr William Davis – From his book ‘Wheat Belly’

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Personally, I listen to my body! I have no doubt that when I eat too many foods containing wheat it affects my health, furthermore I lose energy and feel flat. In addition I get bloated and gassy and these are just the obvious signs that I notice quickly. What other things could be happening to me that are not immediately obvious?

In today’s episode of Revive TV, we take a close look at wheat where you will learn:

• Top 5 health risks associated to wheat intake.
• The protein in wheat that will leave you wanting more and more.
• Which snack favourite raises blood sugar LESS THAN bread.
• Why you’ve been duped into believing whole grains are essential for you.
• Why gluten-free alternatives may not better for.

Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Struggling with a current health challenge or looking to maximise your life, we have got you covered!

Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.

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