This is controversial, however in the western world we look at HEALTH from the wrong perspective. What? Rather than ask what do we require to be healthy? We ask how do we avoid getting sick or have ill-health? Worse still, we make false assumptions that if we aren’t sick/injured we are must be in good health.
In last week’s blog we discussed the significant difference between basing health on feeling versus function. Function accounts for over 90% of what your body is doing voluntarily.
So, to be our best we must study the best. You would do this in any field you wanted to excel in, you would learn the requirements for success. For example is you wanted to learn how run a successful business you might study Sir Richard Branson, if you wanted to create great wealth maybe Warren Buffet is your man, be a great tennis player – Roger Federer or Serena Williams, you get my point.
The same goes for enjoying great health, study people who are already doing it successfully and learn the requirements to optimal health.
Furthermore, stop chasing only resolutions for your symptoms. A drug can often be a resolution to a symptom, however, does that mean you are now optimally healthy? No, it just means you don’t have symptom to remind you’re not your best.
On today’s episode of Revive TV you will:
• Learn the 2 most neglected requirements and how you can implement them in your life.
• Understand why studying disease and pathology never leads to optimal health.
• Be empowered to take control of your health and your family’s.
• Recieve the Blueprint to Optimal Health.
Join us every Thursday for Revive TV, our weekly health show where I share the best information, tips and strategies I have found the will help take your health to new levels. Struggling with a current health challenge or looking to maximise your life, we have got you covered!
Do you have a question or topic you’d like answered on another show? Please contact us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/revivechiro/ or email at info@revivechiropractic.com.au and we’ll do our best to find you the answer.